Education is a natural process carried out by the human individual, and is acquired not by listening to words, but by experiences in the enviroment"
-Maria Montessori
- Our program focuses heavily on multiculturalism with a deep respect for languages. All circle time includes unique cultural enrichment activities to immerse our students in Spanish, English, and Kreyol. Additionally, some teaching supplies are created by our own staff to supplement the children's learning experience and immersion. For an authentic learning experience, we prepare reading and writing materials that are from a variety of languages. We believe that those activities will give our students a sense of how native speakers live their lives. Our multi-lingual preschool program serves children from 3-5 years old on a part time basis. Our program and its curriculum have roots from over a decade including Reggio Emilia, Montessori, and High-Scope.
Protecting our Planet
At EBF, we are constantly working with students to encourage recycling and not be wasteful with our resources. We believe that this is a very important project for us personally at the program since everyone plays a role in the futrure of our planet. In order to impact the students with a global sense, we must start by making changes with our own small community and ourselves. We provide recycled bins in our classroom and reused materials for craft activities.